Wednesday, March 2, 2011

FL Panther Info =^^=

Felis concolor coryi

Range:The remaining Florida panthers are restricted to southwestern Florida near Big Cypress National Preserve. Historical range: The Florida panther's range was once throughout Florida and the Southeast.
Road kills and illegal hunting
account for some panther deaths
but habitat loss is by far their
greatest threat. They need large
tracts of land with adequate prey
to survive. Development, agriculture,
roads and all-terrain vehicles threaten
the panther. The small panther
population is also negatively
affected by inbreeding.

The Florida panther has

several features which reflect
its predator lifestyle such as: a
strong, heavy jaw; fur between
toes to help muffle walking sounds;
tiny, sharp, horny points on the
tongue to help tear meat; vision that
is well adapted for nighttime sight
and motion detection; well developed
sense of smell; acute hearing; and ears
that can swivel to home in on sounds.
Panthers are essentially solitary and
nocturnal. The range of a male overlaps
those of several females. Adults are
rarely found together outside of
breeding season. An adult panther
may travel more than 19 miles in a
single night.

The name "panther" originally was the general

name for large cats around the world, especially
black cats. Early settlers who saw these cats at
night may have thought they were black, hence t
he name panther. Panther is also derived from
the Greek word "leopard" because when
panthers are young, they are spotted like
true leopards.

In 1982, the panther was designated the official

mammal of the state of Florida.
Habitat:Dense forests, swamps and hammocks
Diet:Includes deer, wild hogs, raccoons, armadillos, rabbits, cotton rats, birds, alligators and carrion.
Status:Endangered- only 30 to 50 animals remain in the wild.
Approximate Dimensions of Adult:Weight: A male weighs 106-148 lbs. while a female weights 65-100 lbs.
Length: 6 to 7 feet from nose to tail tip
Height: 24 to 28 inches at shoulder
Reproduction & Offspring:n/a

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