Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Re: Refuge Association Praises Salazar for Everglades Initiative

Dear Ceci,

Know that BIG planning is happening with landowners that want this and we will work to find public-private cooperative partnerships along the way. The governor will be glad that landowners and conservation groups are working together – this is not a fight – we are together. We are looking at federal funding at the moment. Why don’t you give me your phone number – this would be easier to explain while talking.  I am excited (cautiously optimistic) for the first time in a long time…


From: Ceci []
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 9:29 PM
To: Elizabeth Fleming
Subject: Re: Refuge Association Praises Salazar for Everglades Initiative

I'm speechless, I'm literally in shock =..) 
But one thing, and one thing scares me, and you know what it is. Can the soon-to-be governor (I'm sorry I won't capitalize when it comes to him and I try not to use his name >(  turn any of this over? Does he have that power? When you have a moment Elizabeth, take your time answering. I just know I can go to you when it comes to these tangled bureaucratic webs. 
Thanks so much for sharing this, it is the highlight of my year (so far) ;-)!
God bless, and I do hope to hear more news as it comes in!
Your friend,

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